Friday, 30 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task (student magazine), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

SWOT analysis
These are a few bullet points, showing what I have learnt from my preliminary task to improve my music magazine (final product)
o   Since creating my student magazine, I have improved my knowledge of using in design. When creating my student magazine task I had never used in design before. So by using them for my preliminary task this helped me develop my skills hugely, and I gained confidence on the programme. This helped my when creating my music magazine, as I knew where all the tools were, meaning I didn’t have to keep stopping to ask questions, or researching the methods of doing something, which saved me a lot of time.
o   I also improved my knowledge on the Apple Mac computers.  My computer at home is a windows vista, so adapting to the new features and layout threw me off when initially starting my student magazine. After persevering with the Macs, I was able to gain more knowledge on them, meaning I was more confident when making my music magazine

o   My final strength is learning how to use my time in the best way possible so this reflects on my final project. For my student magazine, I rushed my photography, and took the photo’s of a friend in the corridors of South Downs. I feel if I had more time I could have thought about the Mise En Scene more and this would have helped my magazine as a whole. So when it came to my music magazine, I spent a lot of time doing my photography, using different backgrounds.


o   My first weakness was positioning Coverlines onto the front cover. After my student magazine, I knew I needed to research more music magazines, and see how it was done, as this was a weak point on my student magazine. However, when it came to the Coverlines on my music magazine, I found myself spending hours changing the order and placing around, and this was really time consuming. I couldn’t decide what looked best, and needed more confidence in this area.
o   Another weakness was when doing my photography; I found it hard to tell my models what to do, and what pose to pull. In my student magazine it wasn’t too important to have a perfect picture; therefore I found it easy to leave the left side third free. However on my music magazine, I found it really difficult to leave the left side third free and this is another reason that I struggled placing my Coverlines.

o   My first opportunity was that I could use picnic, an online editing website to edit and develop my pictures. I have used the programme before to help brighten up pictures and thought it would be perfect to use as an editing method. On my front cover picture, I used the ‘reverse tint’ tool to make my models eyes blue, when they are originally brown.
o   My second opportunity was that my genre was pop. My chosen genre of music is pop because it is my first choice of music to listen to. Because of this, it made it easy to know what to write on my double page spread as I know what I’d be interested in reading and tried to base the interview on that.
o   My third opportunity was that I had access to the internet at all times. This gave me the ability to compare my music magazine with other real ones, to help me get ideas and make mine look as real as possible. This prevented me wasting no time worrying about how to lay my front cover out, as after looking at several real ones, I noticed a general pattern and stuck to that.
o   My first threat was that for a few lessons my login would not work on the college apple mac’s. This made me loose valuable time that I caught up on in my breaks at college.
o   Another threat was after doing my Student magazine, I was still unsure of how to create a double page spread, so I used the internet to do my own research, but this also wasted time.
o   A third threat was after completing my student magazine I was still unsure how to create a conventional Music Magazine as the layout is completely different and the features are very different.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Whilst completing this task of creating a music magazine I have extended my knowledge of many technologies used in the current media and the magazine industry. To begin, I needed to learn how to use an apple mac, as previously I had only used a windows computer; making my knowledge on an apple mac limited. To increase my knowledge, I asked my teacher basic questions about using a mac, and I also used a YouTube tutorial.

Using Adobe In Design

For my student magazine and music magazine, I decided to use adobe in design. I chose to use this programme as it is clear to write text and create design layouts. I also thought it would be useful to learn how to use in design at a very high quality, and create all of my design work using this knowledge. It did take a lot of time getting used to, as it was completely new to me, but once I got the hang of it and practised a few different drafts I found it easy to use.  One of the main features of in design is that everything must be in boxes, making the page clear and structurally neat.  So for my student magazine for example, the first thing I did was create a box filling the whole page, so I could fill the page with my chosen picture. I used the ‘place’ tool to do this. I then added text using the ‘text’ tool. This was a simple yet effective format that many magazine companies use, to help them meet deadlines and get work done quickly and efficiently.

Using youtube to upload video's
I also used a range of different websites that I came across mainly when completing my evaluation. I used to upload several different video’s I had created on windows live movie maker, as well as to help me with my work by using tutorials. I also found this very useful when researching my music genre of pop, as I could search a particular artist and listen to their music whilst watching them and seeing what they are wearing, and it helped my clarify the type of people associated with the genre.

Learning how to use prezi

I also got introduced to a brand new website called prezi. I completed a couple of tasks throughout my coursework, and found it an exciting and different way to do presentations.  However, it took me quite a while to get used to the programme, but once I persevered and understood I found it fairly simple to use.

Uploading Power Points onto slideshare

I also used to present my PowerPoint presentations I had created throughout my coursework. This is because is unable to show PowerPoint presentations, unless they are put onto slide share and then embedded onto the blog.

Signing up for a blog and using blogger
The main website I used was, to upload all of my posts and tasks ready to be marked. The layout of posting a blog I found to be very simple, and similar to Microsoft word. I had to discover how to embed work from a number of websites, but once I was shown this once, I was able to do it individually for the rest of the time.

In the future

I believe that the future of the magazine industry will depend completely on the improvement of technology. The 21st century has been taken over by technology, and has been known as the ‘information age’ due to the technological progression over the last 20 years. The magazine industry has always been a firm one due to the variety of magazine available for consumption. However with the introduction of technologies, such as the Amazon kindle or IPAD, that is changing the way people read and consume their media products. This method of consuming magazines is becoming more and more popular especially with people being warned about recycling and global warming threats. These magazines are also cheaper for the consumer as they are not paying for the paper that the magazine is printed on, just the content that is in the magazine. Soon, I believe that there will be downloadable magazine much like books for the Amazon Kindle or IPAD that will take over the sales of paper back magazines. However I don’t think this will completely stop magazine sales from shops, as they are able to reach people of all different ages – who can perhaps not afford or know how to use a computer.

My dad has an  amazon kindle and I think they're highly impressive, and would be an excellent way to consume media in the future.

The amazon kindle -

The IPAD -