Friday, 30 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task (student magazine), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

SWOT analysis
These are a few bullet points, showing what I have learnt from my preliminary task to improve my music magazine (final product)
o   Since creating my student magazine, I have improved my knowledge of using in design. When creating my student magazine task I had never used in design before. So by using them for my preliminary task this helped me develop my skills hugely, and I gained confidence on the programme. This helped my when creating my music magazine, as I knew where all the tools were, meaning I didn’t have to keep stopping to ask questions, or researching the methods of doing something, which saved me a lot of time.
o   I also improved my knowledge on the Apple Mac computers.  My computer at home is a windows vista, so adapting to the new features and layout threw me off when initially starting my student magazine. After persevering with the Macs, I was able to gain more knowledge on them, meaning I was more confident when making my music magazine

o   My final strength is learning how to use my time in the best way possible so this reflects on my final project. For my student magazine, I rushed my photography, and took the photo’s of a friend in the corridors of South Downs. I feel if I had more time I could have thought about the Mise En Scene more and this would have helped my magazine as a whole. So when it came to my music magazine, I spent a lot of time doing my photography, using different backgrounds.


o   My first weakness was positioning Coverlines onto the front cover. After my student magazine, I knew I needed to research more music magazines, and see how it was done, as this was a weak point on my student magazine. However, when it came to the Coverlines on my music magazine, I found myself spending hours changing the order and placing around, and this was really time consuming. I couldn’t decide what looked best, and needed more confidence in this area.
o   Another weakness was when doing my photography; I found it hard to tell my models what to do, and what pose to pull. In my student magazine it wasn’t too important to have a perfect picture; therefore I found it easy to leave the left side third free. However on my music magazine, I found it really difficult to leave the left side third free and this is another reason that I struggled placing my Coverlines.

o   My first opportunity was that I could use picnic, an online editing website to edit and develop my pictures. I have used the programme before to help brighten up pictures and thought it would be perfect to use as an editing method. On my front cover picture, I used the ‘reverse tint’ tool to make my models eyes blue, when they are originally brown.
o   My second opportunity was that my genre was pop. My chosen genre of music is pop because it is my first choice of music to listen to. Because of this, it made it easy to know what to write on my double page spread as I know what I’d be interested in reading and tried to base the interview on that.
o   My third opportunity was that I had access to the internet at all times. This gave me the ability to compare my music magazine with other real ones, to help me get ideas and make mine look as real as possible. This prevented me wasting no time worrying about how to lay my front cover out, as after looking at several real ones, I noticed a general pattern and stuck to that.
o   My first threat was that for a few lessons my login would not work on the college apple mac’s. This made me loose valuable time that I caught up on in my breaks at college.
o   Another threat was after doing my Student magazine, I was still unsure of how to create a double page spread, so I used the internet to do my own research, but this also wasted time.
o   A third threat was after completing my student magazine I was still unsure how to create a conventional Music Magazine as the layout is completely different and the features are very different.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Whilst completing this task of creating a music magazine I have extended my knowledge of many technologies used in the current media and the magazine industry. To begin, I needed to learn how to use an apple mac, as previously I had only used a windows computer; making my knowledge on an apple mac limited. To increase my knowledge, I asked my teacher basic questions about using a mac, and I also used a YouTube tutorial.

Using Adobe In Design

For my student magazine and music magazine, I decided to use adobe in design. I chose to use this programme as it is clear to write text and create design layouts. I also thought it would be useful to learn how to use in design at a very high quality, and create all of my design work using this knowledge. It did take a lot of time getting used to, as it was completely new to me, but once I got the hang of it and practised a few different drafts I found it easy to use.  One of the main features of in design is that everything must be in boxes, making the page clear and structurally neat.  So for my student magazine for example, the first thing I did was create a box filling the whole page, so I could fill the page with my chosen picture. I used the ‘place’ tool to do this. I then added text using the ‘text’ tool. This was a simple yet effective format that many magazine companies use, to help them meet deadlines and get work done quickly and efficiently.

Using youtube to upload video's
I also used a range of different websites that I came across mainly when completing my evaluation. I used to upload several different video’s I had created on windows live movie maker, as well as to help me with my work by using tutorials. I also found this very useful when researching my music genre of pop, as I could search a particular artist and listen to their music whilst watching them and seeing what they are wearing, and it helped my clarify the type of people associated with the genre.

Learning how to use prezi

I also got introduced to a brand new website called prezi. I completed a couple of tasks throughout my coursework, and found it an exciting and different way to do presentations.  However, it took me quite a while to get used to the programme, but once I persevered and understood I found it fairly simple to use.

Uploading Power Points onto slideshare

I also used to present my PowerPoint presentations I had created throughout my coursework. This is because is unable to show PowerPoint presentations, unless they are put onto slide share and then embedded onto the blog.

Signing up for a blog and using blogger
The main website I used was, to upload all of my posts and tasks ready to be marked. The layout of posting a blog I found to be very simple, and similar to Microsoft word. I had to discover how to embed work from a number of websites, but once I was shown this once, I was able to do it individually for the rest of the time.

In the future

I believe that the future of the magazine industry will depend completely on the improvement of technology. The 21st century has been taken over by technology, and has been known as the ‘information age’ due to the technological progression over the last 20 years. The magazine industry has always been a firm one due to the variety of magazine available for consumption. However with the introduction of technologies, such as the Amazon kindle or IPAD, that is changing the way people read and consume their media products. This method of consuming magazines is becoming more and more popular especially with people being warned about recycling and global warming threats. These magazines are also cheaper for the consumer as they are not paying for the paper that the magazine is printed on, just the content that is in the magazine. Soon, I believe that there will be downloadable magazine much like books for the Amazon Kindle or IPAD that will take over the sales of paper back magazines. However I don’t think this will completely stop magazine sales from shops, as they are able to reach people of all different ages – who can perhaps not afford or know how to use a computer.

My dad has an  amazon kindle and I think they're highly impressive, and would be an excellent way to consume media in the future.

The amazon kindle -

The IPAD -

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 1

Music Magazine: Double Page Spread - drafts and final.


This is my first draft. I placed the photo on the left, filling one whole side of the magazine, because after looking at a variety of magazines this is generally how a double page spread is laid out. I want to add a caption on the picture too. At the bottom of the left page, but I also wanted to add the page number and date at the bottom. I wrote the interview on word first, and then put it into in design. I made sure the questions were in a different colour to the answers so that they stood out. I will also add a pull quote in the middle of the questions. I will also add a bit of text before 'Megan Seward'. I like the colour scheme, but will try it in white to see what I prefer.


I added all the changes I metioned previously, but I made it a white background. I decided to go against this draft, and stick to the black background as it made the text stand out more, and it looked different.


This is my final double page spread, I am really happy with how it has turned out.

Music Magazine: Contents page - drafts and final.


This is my first draft of my contents. It is only the basic layout, and I will add a lot more details. I will also use more colour in the background of it. However, I do think the positioning of the photo is right and the title is good too. I will add the date and issue number on the same part as the contents to make it more realistic. I will also put the page number and a little bit of information about 'Brooklyn'. In the left hand corner, I am going to add a little box with recent chart updates to fill the space and do something different.

This is my final contents page. I added a lot of boxes to make it more realistic and colorful. I added the burgundy and lemon color to the backgrounds of the sub headings. I also added a caption on the photo, to make it more conventional. I added the page number to the photo, and date and issue number. I added a yellow box in the bottom left corner to make the page more exiting, and also i wanted to try something different. Overall I am pleased with my contents page, but if I could change anything I would have more cover stories so it looks more realistic.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Music Magazine: Front Cover - drafts and final.

First Draft

This is the first draft of my front cover. I have inserted the photo, title and barcode. The next stage for my front cover is adding cover lines and puffs ect. I edited the photo to make it suit the genre of my magazine more - pop. I used to edit and adapt my photo. I used the boost tool, to make the photo more exiting. I also used the tint reverse effect - to change the color of her eyes to blue, to make more of a contrast with her red lipstick. I also created by barcode, by copying and pasting a barcode of google images, and then using a text box filled white, I wrote the date and price for my magazine. I also added my masthead, trying two colors overlapping each other, to see what effect it gave. I like the effect.

Second Draft

This is my second draft for my magazine. I tried just one color for my masthead, and have decided I will go back to the original two colored masthead. I also added my cover lines around the edge of the page. I think they look quite scatty, and messy, therefore I will either keep them on the left side third, or just keep a few so the page looks less busy. I also added a pug, but I feel the position and color of it takes the attention off the picture. I will move it lower down the page so the focus is still on her face. I also added the headline about my artist Megan Seward. I like the position, but I am going to edit the color and arrangement of it. 


This was my first final draft of my front cover. But when I got people's opinions, they said I should rearrange some of the cover lines and text on it. So i deleted some of the text that was at the bottom of the page and made it stand out more. I did also completely change the cover lines as the text was not standing out and the color wasn't showing up. It also looked very boring and unprofessional. I also got told that the text in the puff is not big enough, so I changed that too. 


This is my final front cover, I deleted some of the text and made the cover lines all different font and sizes, to make it look more professional. I also moved the bar code, as after looking at several magazines, the bar code is usually in the bottom right corner. I then centered the title, making the image and whole layout look more spacious. I also edited my puff and make the writing bigger and easier to read. I am pleased with how my front cover turned out, and think it looks very realistic :) 

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Music Magazine; Annotated Double Page spread.

What is a double page spread?
It is two facing pages containing appropriate material which is intended to be viewed together ( so there should be a consistent design statement) It is often abbreviated to DPS. It could also be referred to as a 'feature spread'.

There are many different types of double page spreads or feature spreads. These are examples of a few of them:
  • A poster styled double page spread. The key features of this style would be who the poster is of or something relating to the story.A poster normally covers one page of a double page spread or the whole double page spread. Could be very suitable for my music magazine if the photograph was of a relevant indie artist or band.
  • An interview where an individual or group are questioned and responses could be written up in a question and answer format or as a continuous prose. Could be highly suitable if interview subject is from a band who are popular with my target audience.
  • An album review with a star rating, a picture of the album and comments about the album. Could be written up as bullet points or separate paragraphs. You could have a spread on one band on their many albums or perhaps a variety of album reviews from different indie artists or bands. This type of double page spread would go well with my magazine genre - indie. But if I chose this type of double page spread I think I would use a variety of different work by indie artists.
  • You could use the same idea as the album review but this time concentrate on one album with a song-by-song review. Each song could be sectioned off from each other, you could include comments people have made about the chosen song. You could also include the lyrics for the song. This would work well if you also had written why the chosen indie band/artist wrote this song and what the deeper meaning of the song is. Where they got influence from etc possibly also done in a question and answer style format.
  •  A Photo shoot type double page spread. Where a band/group or artist have many photos of them spread across two pages. I don't think it would be very suitable for my music magazine double page spread because I think it needs text included, especially because of the pull quote "She ruined my life" written on my front cover. I think there needs to be reference to this visable.
  • A gig/festival double page spread. This is a feature page that advertises the different concerts by different bands that are on. These include the bands name, dates, places, where to get tickets from and band websites and their information.

Annotated Double Page Spread

Monday, 30 January 2012

Student Magazine: Edited and chosen photo's.

Front Cover Chosen Photo- 

I have chosen this photo as I think the image is quite striking, and the blue eyes contrast well with the red lips. 

Contents page chosen photo -

I have chosen this photo as it is a different girl used to my front cover and double page spread and because the black and white image along with the pose is quite edgy.

Double Page Spread chosen photo - 

I have chosen this as the eye contact is strong and the image is striking yet simple. 

Monday, 16 January 2012

Music Magazine: Photography.

Click here to view my Photography on Flickr.

Music Magazine: Photography inspiration.

I researched Pop Artists, and got some idea's for my photoshoot. I used, Jessie J, Beyonce, Adele, Frankie from the Saturdays, Florence and the machine, and Jade Thirwlall from Little Mix. 

Music Magazine: Flatplans

I have created a flat plan for both my front cover and my contents, to help me when I make them. 

I have also created a Flatplan for my double page spread, to guide me when I make it. 

Monday, 9 January 2012

Music Magazine; Proposals.


Who are you aiming your magazine at specifically? 
My magazine will be targeted students, both male and female. The age will range from 16-24. I want to keep the cover modern and featuring the newest artists, to attract the younger audience.

The genre for my magazine is Pop/Chart music. I have chosen this because I think there is a definite target audience for this style magazine. It will include feature stories from pop artists, gossip about celebrities, new chart updates and pictures of the Artists. 

What title have you chosen and why?
For my title, I wanted a straight forward word such as tune, or song, to keep it simple and obvious what the magazine was about. But instead of simply calling it 'Tune' I thought it would be more edgy if i translated it into a different language. I tried, french, spanish, and polish. The french was, mélodie, the spanish was canción, and the german was piosenkaThe title I chose was 'mélodie' This was because it still sounded like a music word, and I think would look effective on a magazine cover.

What fonts do you want to use?
I want to use a simple yet eye catching font for my front cover. I will use a different size for the title to make it stand out, and similar font but slightly smaller for my cover lines and the rest of text on the cover. 

What are your ideas for taglines?
I do not want to use a tagline for my magazine, therefore I have no ideas. I think having a tagline, and coverlines would make my cover look too busy. 

When in the year will it be published and how frequently will it be published?
My magazine will be published in Summer, so I can use a more bright range of colors on my cover. It would also increase sales, as people will be going abroad therefor will buy magazines for the plane and the beach. My magazine will be published monthly.

What kind of image do you expect to put on the front cover and how will you go about getting this image?

I want to take an eye catching medium close up of a Pop Artist, or band. On a pop magazine, you would expect to see a well known singer or band on the cover in some kind of pose. This is the type of image I want to get across. I will either choose for my front cover, a close up of a female artist, influenced by Artists like Jessie J and Lady Gaga. Or a photo shoot of a mid shot of male twins, influenced by jedward.  

How much would your magazine sell for?
£1.70, so that it is not too expensive, and people of any wealth can purchase it. 

What are the dimensions of the cover?

My magazine will be 11 by 4 inches. I chose this is this is the most popular magazine size.

What are your ideas for coverlines?
For my coverlines, I wanted them to be in the same style and content as the magazine. For example, 'Win tickets to the latest Jessie J gig', as it is in keeping with the theme. I may use something along the lines of 'A once in a life time opportunity to go backstage and meet the star!', as the reader would be engaged to this and will want to win the tickets - baring in mind the artist must be successful. 

Double Page Spread.

What type of double page spread do you intent to create?
I intend to make an interview style Double page spread, with a cover story of a new upcoming artist. One photo will take up one page.

How is this appropriate/relevant for your target audience and genre of music?
My target audience being teenagers, will want to read funny and personal questions about the artist. The genre is pop therefore the interview and photo will be using colours I feel represent the genre - in this case I have used a basic black, white and pink theme to keep it edgy.

How you intend to incorporate original images?
I will use one side of the double page spread for my photo.

How will you obtain information and images for your feature spread?
I will take photo's using my mums Fuji finepix camera, as the quality is alot better than my camera. I will take photo's of a few of my friends, keeping the backgrounds simple and the shots natural. I will make up the information based on how I think my artist would be, for example my artist is based on Adele, a layed back, natural, yet talented singer.

What visual style would you like to achieve?
A classy, not too over the top yet exiting layout. I will use black, pink and white and a range of fonts to create an edgy look. I aim to make it look aesthetically pleasing.

What style of writing do you intend to use?
I intent to write and informal stlye interview. Asking the artist questions about their life.
What will your magazine be about?

Music Magazine; defining the target audience for pop products.