Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 1

Music Magazine: Double Page Spread - drafts and final.


This is my first draft. I placed the photo on the left, filling one whole side of the magazine, because after looking at a variety of magazines this is generally how a double page spread is laid out. I want to add a caption on the picture too. At the bottom of the left page, but I also wanted to add the page number and date at the bottom. I wrote the interview on word first, and then put it into in design. I made sure the questions were in a different colour to the answers so that they stood out. I will also add a pull quote in the middle of the questions. I will also add a bit of text before 'Megan Seward'. I like the colour scheme, but will try it in white to see what I prefer.


I added all the changes I metioned previously, but I made it a white background. I decided to go against this draft, and stick to the black background as it made the text stand out more, and it looked different.


This is my final double page spread, I am really happy with how it has turned out.

Music Magazine: Contents page - drafts and final.


This is my first draft of my contents. It is only the basic layout, and I will add a lot more details. I will also use more colour in the background of it. However, I do think the positioning of the photo is right and the title is good too. I will add the date and issue number on the same part as the contents to make it more realistic. I will also put the page number and a little bit of information about 'Brooklyn'. In the left hand corner, I am going to add a little box with recent chart updates to fill the space and do something different.

This is my final contents page. I added a lot of boxes to make it more realistic and colorful. I added the burgundy and lemon color to the backgrounds of the sub headings. I also added a caption on the photo, to make it more conventional. I added the page number to the photo, and date and issue number. I added a yellow box in the bottom left corner to make the page more exiting, and also i wanted to try something different. Overall I am pleased with my contents page, but if I could change anything I would have more cover stories so it looks more realistic.